Luis Bohorquez

I felt sorry for most people falling into a psychological trap for blaming their supposed immaturity or dysfunctional past for their troubled, frustrated and dissatisfied relationships. They overlooked the cultural tensions and contradictions that social apps create, which structure today’s digital selves and social and emotional life. It took me years to create this method that in post-covid times became even more relevant.
— Luis Bohorquez

Luis Bohorquez is the creator of the SENSEWIRED® Method and author of its workbook. He’s a designer, behaviorist and relational specialist. He focuses on human connection and emotional health in regard to the social apps we use to connect with each other and oneself.

These days, the role of social apps in the quality of our relationships and emotional life –from romance to friends and from family to work– is being questioned by our own and others’ choices to connect over a café, at the office or in an app.

Concerned with the traditional idea that relational and emotional problems are only one’s own responsibility, twelve years ago, Luis started a PhD research to look into the responsibility of the makers of social apps and the cultural behavior they promote.

With a mixed background and practice in design, behavior, philosophy and ethics, he created a compelling method that people can use to make better choices using offline and online contact to revitalize a true connection with each other; and, to intervene in the power of social apps on their behavior.

Luis: “My inspiration to create this method and write a workbook came from three personal experiences: one as designer, I was upset for the unethical and superficial interest, in the tech world, to face social dilemmas. Two, as a relational coach, 80% of my clients had problems related to the use of social apps and the emotional pressure they create. Last, as a migrant, always living in-between countries and online environments, my relations and emotional life has been often challenged. With the Sensewired method, I wanted to support people as individuals but also as citizens”.

True human connection matters and healthy relationships make a difference in our life.




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